Andover Biography - Charlotte Helen Abbott

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Charlotte Helen Abbott was born in 1844 and died in 1921. She was a member of the Punchard High's first graduating class in 1859. Both a teacher and a dressmaker, her real love was documenting the families of early Andover History. In fact, for 25 years she wrote a column in the Andover Townsman; some of these articles have been added to the Andover Massachusetts page on the Essex County USGenWeb Project. See the link below. Also, below is a list containing the dates that her column appeared in the Townsman.

She authored the Abbott Genealogies,a compiled genealogies of the first Andover families. The multi-volume set kept in the Andover Room at Memorial Hall Library was typed by Marion LeMaire.


"Charlotte Helen Abbott: Genealogist, Dressmaker, Naturalist", by Joan Patrakis Andover Historical Society Newsletter, Spring 1939, volume 14, number 1.
"Charlotte Helen Abbott: Genealogist, Dressmaker Naturalist" by Marcia Lindberg The Essex Genealogist Volume 24, 2004, page 45.

Index of Sketches Published in The Andover Townsman by Charlotte Helen Abbott

...Andover Historical Series in the Townsman.... click to enlarge
...Andover Historical Series in the Townsman.... click to enlarge

--Eleanor 16:29, July 6, 2012 (EDT)
--Kim 10:32, May 10, 2013 (EDT)
--Dean (talk) 16:47, 25 September 2017 (EDT)
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