Andover Theological Seminary
The Andover Theological Seminary formally opened on September 22, 1808 on the campus of Phillips Academy In 1906 the trustees voted to affiliate with Harvard Divinty School. The two schools did not combine. They did share lecture space and dormitoryies until Andover erected it's own buildings - Andover Hall. The doors to Andover Theological Seminary were opened in Cambridge in the fall of 1908. Declining enrollment and a legal challenge forced Andover Theological Seminary to close it's doors in 1926. The original creed stated that the seminary must remain on the grounds of the South Parish in Andover. The Supreme Court of Massachusetts upheald the terms of the original creed abd ruled against affiliation with Harvard. They, however, noted the principal of cy pres. A bill was filed with the court under this principal stating that it was no longer possible to exist under the original creed. The court ruled in favor of this bill. on April 10, 1931. The Newton Theological Institution invited The Andover Theological Seminary to affiliate. In the fall of 1931 the Andover Theological Seminary opened in Newton.
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