Charles W. Ward Reservation

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The 696 acre Charles W. Ward Reservation, which encompasses both Andover and North Andover, consists of 40 separate parcels of land, including parts of 3 hills: Boston Hill, Shrub Hill, and Boston. Holt Hill, the highest Point in Essex County is located in the reservation. It is 420 feet high.

The original parcel of land was endowed in 1940 by Mabel Ward in memory of her husband Charles W. Ward. Several other parcels of land were added to it. It is now owned by Trustees of the Reservation.


  • Two Walks in One. Holt Hill, Peat Bog Mark the Extremes of Andover's Ward Reservation. Ward Reservation Boasts a Remarkable Diversity of Plant Life. (photos) Eagle Tribune 7/8/2012, p.B1, B2.

--Eleanor 15:58, May 11, 2006 (EDT)--Leslie 15:02, September 17, 2012 (EDT) back to Main Page